
I collaborate and co-author a lot in my research, but I never put my name on publications where I didn’t significally contribute.

Under review

Elena Rocca, Rani Lill Anjum and Christine Price (invited contribution, under review) ‘When narratives get lost in knowledge hierarchies: the challenge for outlier patients and safety assessment of medicines’


Rani Lill Anjum and Elena Rocca (forthcoming 15 August 2024) Philosophy of Science, Palgrave Philosophy Today Series. A detailed description can be found here.

Rani Lill Anjum and Elena Rocca (2024) ‘A Dispositional Account of Causation: Implications for the Biological Sciences’, In: Alternative Approaches to Causation: Beyond Difference-making and Mechanism. Edited by Yafeng Shan, Oxford University Press. © Oxford University Press 2024. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780192863485.003.0005


Anjum, R.L., Chandler, R.E. & Rocca, E. (2022) Dispositions and Causality Assessment in Pharmacovigilance: Proposing the Dx3 Approach for Assessing Causality with Small Data Sets, Pharmaceutical Medicine (open access)


Anjum, R.L., Copeland, S. and Rocca, E. (Eds) (2020) Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient. A CauseHealth Resource for Health Professionals and the Clinical Encounter, Springer, open access book

Nicholls, D., Groven, K.S., Kinsella, A. and Anjum, R.L. (Eds) (2020) Mobilizing Knowledge in Physiotherapy. Critical Reflections on Foundations and Practices, Routledge

Rocca, E. and Anjum, R.L. (2020) Erice Call for Change: Utilising Patient Experiences to Enhance the Quality and Safety of Healthcare, Drug Safetypublished online, open access

Rocca, E. and Anjum, R.L. (2020) Causal Evidence and Dispositions in Medicine and Public Health, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Healthpublished online, open access

Rocca, E., Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2020) Causal Insights from Failure, in A. La Caze and B. Osimani (eds), Uncertainty in Pharmacology: Epistemology, Methods and Decisions (Boston Series for the History and Philosophy of Science), Springer, pp. 39-57


Andersen, F., Anjum, R.L., Rocca, E. (2019). Philosophical BIAS is the one bias that science cannot avoideLife.

Rocca, E. and Anjum, R. L. (2019) Why Causal Predictions Fail. An Example from Oil ContaminationEthics, Policy & Environment, 22: 197-213


Anjum, R. L. (2018) What is the Guidelines Challenge? The CauseHealth Perspective, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24: 1027-31

Anjum, R. L. and Mumford, S. (2018) Causation in Science and the Methods of Scientific Discovery, Oxford University Press

Anjum, R. L. and Mumford, S. (2018) What Tends to Be, Routledge

Anjum, R. L., Copeland, S. and Rocca, E. (2018) Medical Scientists and Philosophers Worldwide Appeal to EBM to Expand the Notion of ‘Evidence’, BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, published online

Anjum, R. L., Copeland, S., Kerry, R. and Rocca, E. (2018) The Guidelines Challenge—Philosophy, Practice, PolicyJournal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24: 1120-6

Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2018) A Process Theory of Causation, in Nicholson, D. J. & Dupré, J. (eds.). Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 61-75. Open access

Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2018) Powers and Potentiality, in M. Quante and K. Engelhard (eds), Handbook of Potentiality, Dordrecht: Springer

Anjum, R. L. and Rocca, E. (2018) From Ideal to Real Risk. Why re-thinking Causation is CrucialRisk Analysis, 39: 729-40


Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2017) A Philosophical Argument Against Evidence Based PolicyJournal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 23: 1045-50

Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2017) Emergence and Demergence, in M. Paoletti and F. Orilia (eds), Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives on Downward Causation, London: Routledge, pp. 92-109

Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2017) Mutual Manifestations and Martin’s Two Triangles, in Jonathan Jacobs (ed.) Causal Powers, Oxford University Press, pp. 77-89


Anjum, R.L. (2016) Evidence-Based or Person-Centered. An Ontological Debate, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 4 (2): 421-9


Anjum, R.L., Copeland, S., Mumford, S. and Rocca, E. (2015) CauseHealth: Integrating Philosophical Perspectives into Person Centered Healthcare, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 3: 427-30

Anjum, R.L., Kerry, R. and Mumford, S. (2015) Evidence Based on What?, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 21(6): E11-E12

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2015) Freedom and Control: On the Modality of Free Will, American Philosophical Quarterly, 52: 1-12


Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) Powers, Non-Consent and Freedom, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 91: 136-152

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) A New Argument Against Compatibilism, Analysis, 74: 20-5

Kerry, R., Eriksen, T.E., Lie, S.A.N., Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) Causation in Evidence-Based Medicine: In reply to Strand and Parkkinen, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 20: 985-7

Kerry, R., Anjum, R.L. and Mumford, S. (2014) Response to Miles and Mezzich “Causation as a Way Forward in Person-centered Medicine”, European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 2: 81-2

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) A Tendential Theory of Sporting Prowess, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 41: 399-412

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2014) The Irreducibility of Dispositionality, in R. Hüntelmann (ed.) New Scholasticism Meets Analytic Philosophy, Heusenstamm: Editiones Scholasticae: 105-28


Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2013) Causation – A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press

Eriksen, T.E., Kerry, R., Lie, S.A.N., Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2013) At the Border of Medical Reasoning. Aetiological and Ontological Challenges of Medically Unexplained Symptoms, Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 8: 1-11

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2013) With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, in M. Stepanians (ed.), Causation and Responsibility: Critical Essays, Berlin: de Gruyter: 217-35

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2013) Causes as Powers. Book Symposium on Getting Causes from Powers, Metascience, 22: 554-9


Kerry, R., Eriksen, T.E., Lie, S.A.N., Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2012) Causation and Evidence-Based Practice: An Ontological Review, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice: Special Issue on the Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care 18: 1006-12

Anjum, R.L., Lie, S.A. and Mumford, S. (2012) Dispositions and Ethics, in R. Groff and J. Greco (eds) Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism, New York and London: Routledge: 9-24

Anjum, R.L. (2012) Paul Grice, in Finnish, in Järvenkylä & Kortelainen (ed.), Tavallisen Kielen Filosofia (Ordinary Language Philosophy), Gaudeamus: 90-105

Anjum, R.L. (2012) What’s Wrong with Logic?, in Portuguese, Argumentos, 4: 257-60


Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Getting Causes From Powers, Oxford University Press

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Causal Dispositionalism’, in A. Bird and H. Sankey (eds), Properties, Powers and Structures: Issues in the Metaphysics of Realism, Routledge 2011, 91-107

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Fundamentals of Causality, Information, Knowledge, Systems Management, 10: 101-10

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Effects of Context, Information, Knowledge, Systems Management, 10: 75-84

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Dispositional Modality, in C. F. Gethmann (ed.) Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft, Deutsches Jahrbuch Philosophie 2, Hamburg: Meiner Verlag: 380-94

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2011) Spoils to the Vector: How to Model Causes if You Are a Realist About Powers, The Monist 94 (1): 54-80

2010 and earlier

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2010) A Powerful Theory of Causation, The Metaphysics of Powers: Their Grounding and Their Manifestations, A. Marmadoro (ed.), London: Routledge

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2010) What We Tend to Mean, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 1 (46):20-33

Anjum, R.L. (2010) Finnes det noe ubetinget i alt det betingede?, in L. Dybdal (ed.) Festskrift for Hjørdis Nerheim i anledning 70-årsdagen, Oslo: Unipub: 109-18

Mumford, S. and Anjum, R.L. (2009) Double Prevention and Powers, Journal of Critical Realism 8.3: 277-93

Anjum, R.L. (2008) Three dogmas of ‘If’, in A. Leirfall og T. Sandmel (eds) Enhet i mangfold. Festskrift for Johan Arnt Myrstad, Oslo: Unipub: 5-16

Anjum, R.L. (2007) The logic of ‘If’ – Or How to Philosophically Eliminate Conditional Relations, Sorites – Digital Journal of Analytical Philosophy, 19: 51-7

Anjum, R.L. (2006) En språklig verden: Noen tanker om språket som erkjennelsesmiddel, in S. R. Jørgensen and R. L. Anjum (eds), Tegn som Språk. En antologi om tegnspråk, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk: 199-212

Jørgensen, S.R. and Anjum, R.L. (2006) Det inkluderte mennesket, in I. Bostad and T. Pettersen (eds) Dialog og Danning – Det filosofiske grunnlaget for læring, Oslo: Spartacus: 87-104

Jørgensen, S.R. and Anjum, R.L. (2006) Funksjon eller person?, in I. Bostad and T. Pettersen (eds) Dialog og Danning – Det filosofiske grunnlaget for læring, Oslo: Spartacus: 105-118

Anjum, R.L. (2000) Paul Grice og pragmatiske implikaturer: Et bidrag til debatten om formallogikkens problemer, Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift, 2: 129-46

Anjum, R.L. and Fjørtoft, K. (1999) David Hume: Om kunstige og naturlige dyder, in L. Rustad and H. Bondevik (eds), Kjønnsperspektiver i Filosofihistorien, Oslo: Pax Forlag: 112-27